Visiting the Torrey Pines Gliderport
Log some serious flight time at one of the most beautiful soaring sites in the world!
Several different forms of aircraft share the cliffs of Torrey Pines. As such, we require pilots to be fairly proficient so everyone remains safe and enjoys their time. To fly at the Torrey Pines Gliderport a P3 with 50 hours or H4 rating are required for paragliders and hang gliders. RC pilots must be AMA members and get checked out by the Torrey Pines Gulls.
All pilots must check in with the front office before setting up in the launch area.
Check-in Procedure
- Provide office staff with current USHPA rating or AMA membership.
- Provide a logbook information for P3 pilots.
- Fill out our Legal Waiver (10 minutes).
- Complete our Video Waiver (1 minute).
- Watch our Pilot Orientation Video below (8 minutes).
- Review the Site Rules.
- Bring or purchase a Whistle.
- Bring a 2m radio capable of receiving on frequency 151.505.
- Pay the day fee or provide annual membership card.
- Sign into the pilot log book.
New Pilot Orientation Video

Foreign Pilots
For foreign pilots, we require experience that is equivalent to a USHPA P3 or H4 rated pilot. Please bring your FAI/IPPI card showing pilot proficiency equivalent with a Para Pro 4, 150 flights, and 50 hours. We grant flight permission pending: 1) a quick ground-handling review with one of our instructors, 2) inspection of your logbook and foreign rating card, and 3) completion of the steps above.
Day Fee for Visiting Pilots
The day-use fee is $10 to fly at Torrey Pines without a membership. You must complete the steps in the Check-In Procedure above. If you are a P2 or H3, it will be possible to fly under instructor supervision. The daily instructional rates at Torrey Pines is $250.00 per day. Â Join us for a day of learning and airtime at the historic Gliderport.
Pilot Memberships
An annual pass to fly at the Gliderport is $200. Becoming an annual member is easy if you have a current USHPA P3 or H4 rating, or an AMA membership, then complete the steps above and purchase a pass at the counter. If you are looking to fly a mini wing and the conditions must be favorable to stay up (no landing at the beach, unless the winds change). You must have a M2 rating, unless you have recieved an M1 with our school.
When you are ready to fly – Â even if it’s the same day you sign up – you just need to sign into the pilot logbook at the counter, and then you’re ready to go! Â If you have any questions feel free to ask the friendly instructional staff always visible in bright red shirts and/or jackets.
For more information about rental equipment, local hotels, and taxis, please see the Pilot Services page for more information.